*Psychologists will receive 1 free CE for their attendance during the webinar



Our nation is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Despite the passage of the Mental Health Parity and Addictions Equity Act of 2008, nearly half of the 60 million adults and youth living with mental illness in the US go without any treatment (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2017). Of those who had a Major Depressive Episode within the past year, only 43.3% of youth received treatment (SAMSHA, 2020). Nationally, about 60% of all counties, including 80% of all rural counties, do not have a psychiatrist and at least 40% of persons needing mental health care services go untreated (The New American Economy Healthcare Report, 2017). Similarly, the profession of Health Service Psychology (HSP) is beset by many challenges and threats. Apart from marked compensation inequities, HSP education is costly, resulting in major financial debt loads, in many cases comparable to that of medical school graduates. Such a high debt burden endangers the ability of HSP alumni to work with underrepresented sectors or for social justice causes (typically included in the goals of many accredited programs), and instead concentrate on providing clinical services to the affluent. Perhaps as a direct result, student enrollment in HSP doctoral programs has decreased 12% over the past 8 years, from 26,205 students in 2010, to 23,080 in 2018; (enrollment decreased 11.7% for PhD programs and 15.6% for PsyD programs during this period).

In this webinar we inaugurate our Thought Leader Series in Perspectives in Psychopharmacology. Thought leaders are experts in a given field who by accomplishment, recognition, and trust, are regarded as authoritative experts who are highly influential, engaging, and bring meaningful change. In this kick off presentation, my guest is Dr. Patrick DeLeon, past APA president and the “Grandfather” of the RxP Movement.

In this webinar we will discuss:  

  • Dr. DeLeon’s vision for HSP and clinical psychopharmacology;
  • The current challenges and threats the profession is facing;
  • Mechanisms for how we might overcome these challenges and threats; and
  • How we can best organize ourselves as a profession.

Learning Objectives:

  1. The participant will be able to discuss health care disparity issues impacting access to quality mental health services in the US.
  2. The participant will be able to discuss list various challenges and threats being faced by the profession of Health Service Psychology.
  3. The participant will be able to describe advocacy strategies for prescriptive authority legislation throughout the country.





Patrick H. DeLeon, PhD, MPH, JD

Distinguished Professor, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 

Dr. Pat DeLeon is the Distinguished Professor at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (DoD) in the School of Nursing and School of Medicine. He was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science in 2008 and served as President of the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2000. For over 38 years he was on the staff of U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) retiring as his Chief of Staff. He has received numerous national awards including the Order of Military Medical Merit; Distinguished Service Medal, USUHS; National League for Nursing Council for Nursing Centers, First Public Policy Award; Sigma Theta Tau, Inc., International Honor Society of Nursing, First Public Service Award; Ruth Knee/Milton Wittman Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health/Mental Health Policy, NASW; Delta Omega Honor Society Award for Outstanding Alumnus from a School of Public Health; APA Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology Award; American Psychological Foundation Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement in the Practice of Psychology; and Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Hawaii. He has been awarded three honorary degrees. He is currently the editor of Psychological Services. He has over 200 publications.



Gerardo Rodriguez-Menendez, PhD, ABPP, MSCP

Department Chair, MS Clinical Psychopharmacology Program at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Online Campus

Dr. Gerardo Rodriguez-Menendez’s career spans a broad spectrum of responsibilities in education, administration, research, and consulting. He is the former Dean of the College of Psychology at John F. Kennedy University (2014–2017). He also maintains a private consulting practice assisting institutions of higher education and business organizations in areas of strategic planning, leadership coaching,  accreditation and licensing, academic governance and ethics, program development, and faculty development.

Dr. Rodriguez-Menendez is a licensed psychologist in Florida, a Board-Certified Psychologist with the American Board of Professional Psychology, and President of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Rodriguez also received the 2020 Award for Distinguished Research and Scholarship at The Chicago School. Apart from psychopharmacology, he also has specialties in neuropsychology and pediatric psychology. He previously held physician privileges with Memorial Regional Hospital and Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital in Hollywood Florida, Level 1 Neurosurgical Trauma Centers. Dr. Rodriguez is a frequent presenter at conferences across the country. He is bilingual and has published his research in both English and Spanish.


The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education programming for psychologists. This program, when attended in its entirety, is available for one (1.0) continuing education credit. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Attendees licensed in California can receive one  (1.0) hour of continuing education credit for MFTs, LPCCs, and/or LCSWs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Attendees requesting continuing education credit are required to attend the entire session and complete an evaluation and quiz after the workshop. Certificates will be sent after the quiz and evaluation are completed. More information about continuing education credit is available immediately after the registration is completed.

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